Hi, nice to meet you ⚡️

Hi, nice to meet you ⚡️

I’m Elaine

I make a bit of everything - but I geek out the most over crafting awesome user experiences

  • Websites and apps from ideation to implementation

    • Product scoping

    • Collaboration with stakeholders

    • User interviews

    • User flows

    • Wireframes / prototypes / high fidelity mock ups

    • Design system definition and maintenance

  • Consumer goods from product discovery to manufacture

    • Focus groups / user research

    • Competitive analysis

    • User jouney mapping

    • Prototyping

    • User testing

    • Production sample review

    • Marketing launch support

  • Art installations from concept planning to installation

    • Concept brainstorm and refinement

    • Prototyping

    • Fabrication

    • Custom boxing / packing

    • Installation

Check out my work