Octopart / Internal tool

Admin portal

This was a particularly fun puzzle to work out.

The scope was straightforward: Use Retool to build an interface for Octopart account managers to link existing Octopart Seller accounts to Alitum Organization accounts. This ensures the click traffic and billing system (handled by Octopart) correctly matches the login credentials (handled by Altium).

Additionally, the close collaboration with dev and the account managers made the process exciting.


  • I outlined user flows for Octopart account managers - describing a happy path, chaos path, and some paths in between

  • Discussing with the development team (dev), we agreed on basic steps that needed to happen to ensure the happy path for our account managers

  • Dev then created proof of concepts in Retool to show the basic steps of linking accounts

  • I then took the proof of concepts and regrouped the screens for a coherent user experience

  • After reviewing the final mock ups with dev and our account managers, we signed off on the designs and built the interface

Final steps

As a last step, I wrote an about page that dev translated into an intro section.

Again, I reviewed their layouts on Retool, offered revisions, and they made the edits.

Overall, the process felt like a well-matched tennis rally, or relay; where everyone wins because the final interface satisfies all stakeholders.


Octopart User Management